Colton Hibbert

I’m a Full Stack DeveloperSoftware EngineerProblem Solver

About me

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Who am I?

I'm Colton Hibbert, a Full Stack Web Developer

I am a Full Stack Web Developer based in the Salt Lake City Metropolitan Area and I build outstanding full stack web applications. Some of the technologies I use are JavaScript, Node.js, React.js, Redux, CSS frameworks, and relational databases such as MySQL and Postgres. I have a good education and I am in my last Semester of completing my Associates Degree in Applied Technology(General Programming, Data Structures, Object-Oriented Programming, Relational Databases). I have also completed the FreeCodeCamp full stack developer certification.

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Let's work together!

I am available for fulltime positions and freelance projects. Contact me and let's have a conversation.

My Skills

I am an innovative problem solver. I believe in getting the job done right, creating simplicity, being consistent, and persevering until the goal is finished. Here are some of the skills and technologies I use to make that a reality.

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JavaScript Development

JavaScript is a powerful language. Whether it's in the browser or on a server I build amazing applications and websites. You can see examples of some of my work utilizing JavaScript in my projects section.

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Node.js/Back-End Development

Back-end development is a breeze with Node.js. I build amazing servers with Node.js and I use the Express.js framework as the choice for most projects. I implement Security, 3rd party Api's, and Database integration smoothly.

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Web Development

I understand the fundamentals and advanced topics in HTML, CSS, and JavaScript and integrate them easily. I have also used a number of front-end frameworks. I build fully responsive webites with good UI.

Database Development

Databases are an essential part of applications. I have built a number of web applications that utilize databases. I can do queries, database development, design and more. Half of my degree is solely working with databases.

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React Development

I build high quality and responsive websites with the React framework on the front-end, usually coupled with Redux for proper state management. See my projects for examples of my work.

Additional Skills

I have many other skills, and I have experience using many different RESTful API's on projects. More skills include GraphQL, D3.js for data visualization, testing with Mocha and Chai, and more.


I have worked and studied hard to become very knowledgeable. Click on the cards to see more information about the depth of my knowledge, projects, skill sets, and additional details.

My Blog

Check out my latest blog posts

Blog post
How to Complete FreeCodeCamps Responsive Web Design Certification

If you're new to programming this is for you! I cover how to get started with learning HTML and CSS, completing the FCC Web Design Certification(with projects), and building basic static websites.

Blog post
FreeCodeCamp JavaScript Section

Learning JavaScript can be hard, but I give some great insight to give you a head start and avoid common pitfalls. I also cover how to complete the JavaScript section on FreeCodeCamp and my personal experience in doing so.

Blog post
How to Complete FreeCodeCamp's Front-End Certification

React, Redux, JavaScript Calculators, Random Quote Machine Generators and More. In this article I cover how to approach FCC's front-end certication and build your projects with confidence.

Get in Touch

Feel free to contact me anytime