I am a Full Stack Web Developer based in the Salt Lake City Metropolitan Area and I build outstanding full stack web applications. Some of the technologies I use are JavaScript, Node.js, React.js, Redux, CSS frameworks, and relational databases such as MySQL and Postgres. I have a good education and I am in my last Semester of completing my Associates Degree in Applied Technology(General Programming, Data Structures, Object-Oriented Programming, Relational Databases). I have also completed the FreeCodeCamp full stack developer certification.
MyOutdoorTrails is a trail location and information application. It allows you to search for trailheads anywhere in the United States.
Zoom in to see the trails.
It will also bring up a list of those trails and display information about them such as hiking distance, difficulty, elevation, and so on. The site is fully mobile responsive.
There is also a signup and login feature available with security implemented through b-crypt. This app utilizes 2 different API's. Hosting is done via
Heroku for both the server and database. It is currently on the free dyno and sleeping, so if no one is currently using it there will be a 20 second bootup delay.
Jill's office is a call center service for small businesses. Jill's office was originally written with Ruby/Rails and ownership decided to convert away
from that to JavaScript/TypeScript language and Node.js/Express.js Server with a Web Component based front-end along with Redux. My task was to read and rewrite
the old rails code and convert it over to the new setup along with fixing some signup issues where customers could signup without paying first. I wrote the front-end with TypeScript and
the LitHTML framework along with redux for state management. I used GraphQL and created queries for sending data to the Node/Express server and I created GraphQL resolvers
to handle the Stripe API for payment information and the Twilio phone number setup, I also submitted data to the Postgres Dababase with the Prisma ORM.
Money Manager is a budgeting web application built with JavaScript, React, Node.js, Express.js, and allows you to manage multiple bank accounts and track your spending.
This is project is still under construction and is not yet hosted, however you can see some of the screenshots and see the full code on github. The site is fully mobile responsive. Sessions are enabled through Express-Session. Redis is used for caching. Security is implemented through b-crypt and other measures.
I will be working on the dashboard to include graphs and charts of the budget data soon and should have the project hosted in the near future.
I am an innovative problem solver. I believe in getting the job done right, creating simplicity, being consistent, and persevering until the goal is finished. Here are some of the skills and technologies I use to make that a reality.
JavaScript Development
JavaScript is a powerful language. Whether it's in the browser or on a server I build amazing applications and websites. You can see examples of some of my work utilizing JavaScript in my projects section.
Node.js/Back-End Development
Back-end development is a breeze with Node.js. I build amazing servers with Node.js and I use the Express.js framework as the choice for most projects. I implement Security, 3rd party Api's, and Database integration smoothly.
Web Development
I understand the fundamentals and advanced topics in HTML, CSS, and JavaScript and integrate them easily. I have also used a number of front-end frameworks. I build fully responsive webites with good UI.
Database Development
Databases are an essential part of applications. I have built a number of web applications that utilize databases. I can do queries, database development, design and more. Half of my degree is solely working with databases.
React Development
I build high quality and responsive websites with the React framework on the front-end, usually coupled with Redux for proper state management. See my projects for examples of my work.
Additional Skills
I have many other skills, and I have experience using many different RESTful API's on projects. More skills include GraphQL, D3.js for data visualization, testing with Mocha and Chai, and more.
I have worked and studied hard to become very knowledgeable. Click on the cards to see more information about the depth of my knowledge, projects, skill sets, and additional details.
Brigham Young University Idaho, AS in Applied Technology
I am finishing up my AS in Applied Technology from BYU-Idaho. I am currently earning my degree online. This degree takes a very hands on and projects based approach.
In addition to completing projects I have learned a variety of technologies, best practices, programming techniques, and computer science topics. My degree has an even split
between general programming and databases.
Programming: JavaScript, Python, Object-Oriented Programming, Inheritance, Polymorphism, Error Handling, Data Structures, Algorithms, Web Development, Computer Hardware
Classes: CS101 Intro to Programming, CIT160 Programming, CS213 Web Engineering, CS241 Survey Object Oriented Programming and Data Structures, CS246 Software Design & Development, CIT111 Intro to Databases, CIT225 Database Design & Development, CIT325 Database Programming, CIT327 Database Warehousing
FreeCodeCamp Full Stack Web Developer Certification
FreeCodeCamp is an open source Coding Bootcamp and is comprised of completing 30 different coding projects. These projects are based off of a user story specific to each project.
Think of it like a list of bullet points for what your project should contain/do. It is then up to you to code the project completely and submit it for validation to verify that it was done correctly.
The projects are not like a tutorial, again all you get is a user story(list of bullet points).
The JavaScript section contains 5 master algorithms instead of projects.
The Full Stack Web Devloper Certification takes an estimated 1800 hours to complete from start to finish. There are a series of certifications and projects that you must complete to earn the Full Stack Developer Certification.
More notable projects will include the project link and source code.
The technologies, certifications, and projects are as follows:
Technologies: HTML, CSS, JavaScript, React, Redux, PostgresQL, MongoDB, Databases, Mocha and Chai for Testing, D3.js for Data Visualization, Node.js and Express.js for BackEnd Development
Responsive Web Design Certification: HTML and CSS
Tribute Page
Survey Form
Product Landing Page
Technical Documentation Page
Personal Portfolio Page
JavaScript Algorithms and Data Structures Certification: JavaScript
Palindrome Checker
Roman Numeral Converter
Caesars Cipher
Telephone Number Validator
Cash Register
Front-End Libraries Certification: React, Redux
Random Quote Machine
Markdown Previewer
Drum Machine
JavaScript Calculator
Pomodoro Clock
Data Visualization Certification: D3.js
Bar Chart
Scatterplot Graph
Heat Map
Chloropleth Map
Treemap Diagram
APIs and Microservices Certification: Node.js, Express.js, MongoDB, PostgresDB, API's
Timestamp Microservice
Request Header Parser Microservice
URL Shortener Microservice
Exercise Tracker
File MetaData Microservice
Information Security and Quality Assurance Certification: Node.js, Express.js, MongoDB, PostgresDB, Helmet.js, Mocha and Chai
If you're new to programming this is for you! I cover how to get started with learning HTML and CSS, completing the FCC Web Design Certification(with projects), and building basic static websites.
Learning JavaScript can be hard, but I give some great insight to give you a head start and avoid common pitfalls. I also cover how to complete the JavaScript section on FreeCodeCamp and my personal experience in doing so.
React, Redux, JavaScript Calculators, Random Quote Machine Generators and More. In this article I cover how to approach FCC's front-end certication and build your projects with confidence.